Dr. Jack L. Arnold
Christians have disagreed throughout the history of the Christian Church as to whether all, none or some of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament are functioning in the Church today.
are many views but only four essentially have merit: 1) Some Christians hold
that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament have passed out of
existence, and the Holy Spirit merely uses our natural talents today; 2) Some
Christians believe that all the gifts are active in the church today with full
intensity, just as they were in the first century church; 3) Some Christians
believe that some spiritual gifts, like apostle, prophet, tongues, healing,
miracles and prophecy were temporary gifts that were needed only in the first
century but have passed out of existence, and 4) Still others like myself state
that all the gifts are potentially in the church today but not all may be
active or operate with the same intensity they did in New Testament times. All gifts are potentially in the
universal church, but some may not be active at any give time in a local
is it important that we study these positions? The goal of all our doctrine should be love for one
another. We must learn to love the
brothers and sisters that do not agree with us on certain issues. We are commanded to love all true
believers in Christ, and this is how the world will know we are ChristÕs
disciples. ÒA new command I give
you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one
another.Ó (Jn. 13:34-35).
Those who believe that all
the extraordinary gifts like prophecy, tongues, miracles, healing, etc. have passed
away today argue their case a certain way.
Gifts for the Apostles
The spectacular gifts (prophesy, tongues, miracles, healing,
faith, interpretation of tongues) were given to the original Twelve Apostles as
sign-gifts for the propagation of the gospel and/or attestation to the Apostles
in the first century. ÒBuilt
on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as
the chief cornerstone.Ó After
the church was established, there was no need for Apostles and Prophets. ÒThe things that mark an apostle—signs,
wonders and miracles—were done among you with great perseverance: (2 Cor.
12:12). The ApostleÕs or
apostolic representatives alone had the extra-ordinary gifts. ÒThis salvation . . . was confirmed to us by
those who heard him. God also
testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy
Spirit distributed according to
his willÓ (Heb. 2:3-4).
Once the church had matured and/or received the
inspired New Testament canon of Scripture, there was no longer any need for the
spectacular gifts.
The gifts of tongues and prophecy have ceased, and
we can assume the other spectacular gifts have also ceased. ÒLove never faith. But where there are prophecies, they
will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is
knowledge, it will pass awayÓ (1 Cor. 13:8).
Church history bears this out for after the second
century, there is very little if any emphasis on the spectacular gifts.
Those who believe that all
the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament are in existence today argue
their case a certain way.
Clear Statement
No Scripture asserts clearly that any of the spectacular
gifts were given only for the purpose of attesting the ApostleÕs ministry and
Gifts Were for Edification
ÒNow to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Cor. 12:7). Ò But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfortÓ (1 Cor. 14:3).
Gifts Continue But Not the Office
Today there is no official office of Apostle. Only the original Twelve lived with
Christ, saw His miracles and witnessed His resurrection. Only the Twelve will sit on the throne
judging over the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28) and in the eternal city
will have twelve foundations with names of the Twelve Apostles (Rev. 22:14). Again, one must distinguish between the
office and the gift of apostle. Technically
the office of Apostle passed away but the gift of apostle still continues on in
a non-technical sense. The word ÒapostleÓ
means Òsent one.Ó It would be
equivalent to the modern day missionary or church planter. We know the Bible refers to James (Gal.
1:19) and Barnabas (Acts 14:14) as apostles. Others of lesser status were also called apostles such as Epaphroditus
(Philip. 2:25) and Andronicus and Junia (Rom. 16:7).
same kind of argument could be made for the office of Prophet. There is no official office of Prophet
today that gives forth inspired revelation without error. However, the gift of prophecy could be
in the church to a lesser degree today for encouragement of the church.
Continue Until the Second Coming of Christ
Corinthians 1:7 implies that the Corinthian Christian had all the gifts in
their body and they would continue until the Second Advent of Christ. ÒTherefore you do not lack any spiritual
gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealedÓ (1 Cor.
Gifts Could Cease
ÒThis salvation . . . was confirmed to us by
those who heard him. God also testified
to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Sprit
distributed according to his willÓ (Heb. 2:3-4). This verse not only speaks of signs, wonders and miracles but Òthe
gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.Ó If the sign gifts are temporary, then
why not all the spiritual gifts?
While experience is not a good argument for any
doctrinal position, it should be noted that about 360 million Christians today claim
to believe in and practice the ordinary and extra-ordinary gifts.
of 1 Corinthians 13:8
This verse clearly teaches that tongues and prophecy
will cease, the question is when will it happen? They will cease Òwhen
perfection comesÓ and Òthe imperfect
disappears.Ó It is a time when
Òwe shall see Christ face to faceÓ and
the Christian Òshall be known fully, even as he (I) is fully knownÓ (1 Cor. 13:9-12).
Most commentators take this as a reference to the Second Advent of
remind us that 1 Corinthians 13:8 says, ÒWhere there are tongues, they will be
stilled (cease).Ó This is in the middle voice in the Greek
and could be translated Òshall still themselvesÓ or Òcease themselves,Ó
indicating that the gift of tongues will cease in and of itself. They believe there is strong evidence
that tongues passed off the scene of history after the first century.
points need to be pointed out. First, when it says tongues will cease
themselves (middle voice), it does not necessarily mean the subject stops under
his own power. For instance, when
Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging waters, the storm stopped. ÒHe got up and rebuked the wind and the raging
waters; the storm subsided, and all was calmÓ (Lk. 8:24). The verb ÒsubsidedÓ is the same
verb as Òto stillÓ or Òto cease.Ó
It too is in the middle voice, yet the raging sea did not stop under its
own power. Christ stopped it by
His mighty power. So Christ will
stop all gifts at the Second Advent.
Second, Neither tongues nor prophecy nor miracles ceased at the end of the
first century. They continued at
least into the third century and have recurred sporadically if not consistently
ever since. The relative
disappearance of these gifts during after the fourth century can be attributed to
their abuse in certain circles.
While all twenty or so
spiritual gifts listed in the New Testament could be in the church today, there
are five fundamental points that qualify this position: 1) The canon of
scripture of the Old and New Testaments is closed and scriptural revelation is
full, complete, supreme and final; therefore, Scripture alone may bind the
conscience; 2) There are no more Apostles or Prophets who speak or write
inspired, infallible communication; 3) all spiritual gifts are to be tested by
and submitted to the infallible, inspired Scripture; 4) No person with the any
gift can inerrantly predict the future; and 5) Much of the modern day
charismatic movement abuses and misuses the spiritual gifts as did the Church
of Corinth ( 1 Cor. 12-14).